Thursday, September 3, 2015


First impression of Bowie:

            When I walked into the gigantic courtyard of Bowie on the first day of school, the first thing that caught my eye was this massive tree. It was beautiful, but for some reason, at the same time, intimidating. It just reminded me how much bigger this school is than what I 
was used to. Btu it still is a impressive sign of beauty for the great Bowie high school. I like this picture because this tree is so pretty, who wouldn't want to photograph it? One thing I do not like about this picture is that it is slightly out of focus, but it is still very pretty.

Free choice picture:

              For my free choice, I took a picture of the lockers at Bowie because lockers cover almost every hallway in the school, but they are not used. I thought it was funny and wondered why they hadn’t removed them, but then I thought that even if they are not in use, they should be left up. Why? Well because one of the things that I think of when I think “high school” is friends, couples, and people socializing at their lockers, like in all cliché high school movies. So even if we don’t use them, they have an important symbolism in defining Bowie as a “high school”. I like this picture because I like this style of picture. you may find that a few of my future photos will be like this.  

Here are some other pictures I took:

this was my partner in this project. her name is Sophie.

this was a beautiful pink rose that was in the courtyard.

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