Wednesday, September 16, 2015


  1.  Some challenges I faced when taking my pictures were finding something that I thought were interesting and finding good angles to take them at, because bowie has a lot going on, so it was hard to take a picture without a bunch of random stuff in the background.
  2. The technical aspect of photography that I thought about the most was focus because I would be so disappointed to take a great picture, get back to class and then realize that it was out of focus.
  3. If I could do the prompt shoot again, I would focus more on lighting, because I realized that I didn't really pay much attention to that and it could make my pictures look a lot better.
  4. Something I would definitely do the same was taking the picture of the red flower. that picture really made me happy and  I think it is a great example of simplicity. 
  5. You can see the rules of photography that I used on each photo underneath them.
  6. I would do these prompts again later in the year when we have more experience and when we know more about taking pictures.

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