Monday, November 16, 2015


  1. I think the most powerful image in the slide show is the one where he is sitting with his dad, because I assume that that was probably when he told his dad that he wanted to join the army, and it was probably an important moment for them.
  2. set 1: image 1 to 5    set 2: image 6 to 16     set 3: image 17 to 28
  3. I think the most powerful set of images was set 3 because it showed his experience in Iraq and set 1 and 2 were working up to set 3.
  4. The images tell a story because they show is journey through the army training, and finally to the real deal.
  5. In part one where ian is the main subject, the photo captions are in present tense.
  6. The captions enhance the photo because it make you feel like you are actually following his journey as its happening.
  7. Ian Fisher decides that he wants to join the army, so he tells his dad, a veteran, of his plans. His dad approves, but sad that his son will have to leave. Ian begs his basic training, which is difficult, but he is motivated. But that motivation doesn’t last very long, because he begins to not want to try as hard anymore, and is abusing the privilege that he has of the pain pills he is provided with. he breaks us with his girlfriend, and after returning home for a break, he doesn’t want to return to camp. But he does anyways, and is deployed into Iraq, and  keeps everything under control. Being in Iraq motivated him to keep going, and seeing everything over there really changed him. He returns home, and is happy to be there, and so is his family, but he does not regret it.

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