Tuesday, December 15, 2015


  1. A man was attempting to calm down a crazy panhandler when he got pushed into the path of a train waiting to approach the station, and the train was not slowing down anytime soon. Photographer, Umar Abbasi photographed the event in hopes to warn the train driver with his flash. unfortunately, this did not work, and the man was hit and killed.
  2. Abbasi said he took the photo to warn the driver of the train.
  3. I think he did do the best thing he could of done, because he was warning the driver, while not putting himself in any danger.
  4. I don’t really agree with putting it on the cover of the New York Post because this makes the picture seem like it was taken for press purposes, and not for its actual purpose, which was to help.
  5. I think for a photojournalist, it is more important to capture the moment because its not like Abbasi was the only one there, other people could’ve helped.
  6. I think it is acceptable for a photographer to involve themselves in a situation that they photograph, especially if the photo gets taken, and they have  time to help, or do whatever needs to be done.
  7. I definitely think photographers should not avoid situations like this because if they did, we would not have any photos to raise awareness of rethinks like we do, or we wouldn’t have news images to support claims.
  8. some people did not support his decision at all, but like many famous photographers before him, this image will probably become famous.

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