Thursday, December 3, 2015



  • they made her neck longer
  • they thinned out her neck and face
  • they made her eyes bigger
  • they madde her mouth bigger
  • made her hair appear longer
  • they made her eyes bigger
  • smoothed her face
  • made her pupils smaller
  • made her eyelashes longer, elongated her neck, legs, and her arms
  • made her stomach flatter, and her boobs smaller
  • me lightened her whole body
  • made her nose smaller
  • made her butt smaller
  • she was made a lot thinner
  • her skin was smoothed out
  • her hair was made longer
  • everything was changed, nothing was left the same, this one was the worst.
  1. I do not think it is ok to edit people and their bodies like that because it gives people, specifically women and girls a false sense of beauty, because this is what society tells us is beautiful because of things like this, but these girls aren’t even real. 
  2. It is more ethically wrong when people photoshop women to put in ads, because it tricks other women into thinking that they are ugly, and they can not be pretty unless they use that product, but the model didn’t even loo like that.
  3. Types of changes that are ok are like if you have bad teeth and they need to whiten them, or straiten them, or if you want to clear some blemishes. But it is not ok to change someones body type, their skin color, or their entire face to the point where they don’t even recognize themselves.
  4. Fashion photography is wrong and deceiving, but photojournalism is capturing the moment, and leaving it as is, unless your just changing the lighting.
  5. Fashion photography has no relation to reality, because it is all distorted, and fake. Photojournalism is taking a picture to catch a moment, and has relation to reality because it is capturing reality, thing is distorted drastically to trick you into thinking you need to look a certain way, or live your life a certain way.
  6. I think we are being showed these videos because it teaches us all about what really happens at photo shoots, and it teaches us to not manipulate things n a way to make people feel bad about themselves, and it shows us the harsh reality, so maybe we can do something to stop it, since we are the next generation of photographers.
  7. These videos are not about men because men don’t have the same social pressure on them that women do to look a certain way, and no one tells men that they won’t be handsome if they don’t buy a certain type of makeup.

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