Monday, December 14, 2015


1. Rule of thirds - the main focus of your photo is on the intesecting points of the imaginary hashtag/pound sign (#)
2. Balancing Elements - everything in the photo is balanced, meaning there is not too much on one part and too much in another part of the photo.
3. Leading Lines - there are lines in the photo that lead the eye of the viewer to the main subject of the photo.
4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition) - the same thing is repeated in the photo multiple times.
5. Viewpoint - the perspective from ehich the picture was taken.
6. Background - the background of a photo, it can be simple, or crazy, depending on the photographer.
7. Create depth -foreground, middle ground, background.
8. Framing -using object withing the picture to frame the subject.
9. Cropping -cropping a photo to zoom in to the subject, so it fills the frame.
10. Mergers and avoiding them - when something gets cut off from the photo, such as an arm, a leg, or head.

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