Wednesday, March 9, 2016



  1. Andre Waterkeyn
  2. 1958
  3. Bruxelles, belgium
  4. you can visit, but its closed now
  5. n/a
  6. it was built as a futuristic building.
  7. i picked this building because it is very interesting looking, and it looks like it was from the future even now, in 2016. it also would be very cool to visit, i would want to go to that top ball, because i love heights.


  1. Nicholas Grimshaw
  2. 2003
  3. Boldelva, Cornwall
  4. you can visit
  5. n/a
  6. it is a giant greenhouse that was also a shooting site for a bunch of films.
  7. I picked this building because it also looked really futuristic, kind of like the antonium. it also slightly resembles a caterpillar, to me. i thought it was a very interesting structure shape, and idea.


  1. Charels deaton
  2. 1963
  3. colorado
  4. you can visit
  5. 3.1 million
  6. "On Genesee Mountain I found a high point of land where I could stand and feel the great reaches of the Earth. I wanted the shape of it to sing an unencumbered song.” -Charles Deaton
  7. I picked this building because it was in the USA, and also because it looks very modern. i love how it was built in 1963, but it looks like it could have been built 100 years from now


  1. Scotynscy, and zaleski
  2. 2004
  3. sopot, poland
  4. you can visit 
  5. n/a
  6. it was built from inspiration from a childrens book
  7. I picked this because it was so interesting! i had to look at is for  a good minute to even figure out how it worked! it looks just like something out of a children’s book.


  1. Moshie safde
  2. 1967
  3. montreal, canada
  4. closing soon
  5. n/a
  6. it is a housing complex
  7. i chose this building, because i was just thinking about how much i would love to live there. i think it is so neat that someone thought of building something like that, so out of the ordinary. it is sad that its closing, though.

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