Thursday, March 31, 2016


  1. What is your name? Patricia Vines (bianca)
  2. what grade are you in? 9th
  3. what do you think you have done to win this award? i am a stellar person, i have worked had, i have all 100s, i am fabulous, and i am perfect
  4. do you feel like you deserve this award? why? yes i do, because it takes a lot of work to be perfect.
  5. what/ who are your inspirations? why? i inspire myself, because i work so hard, and I’m amazed with myself.
  6. what do you hope to be when you grow up? why? I will be president, because the nation needs me
  7. how are you going to help your school as student of the month? I will make the school a better and happier place
  8. how did you react to this award? I expected this award because I’m the best
  9. how did your family and friends react? they were proud, and happy they knew me
  10. How does it feel to be student of the month? why? it feels pretty amazing, like I’m president of the school
  11. is there any advice you could give to the next student of the month? You  can try to be perfect, but you will never be like me. good luck trying!
  12. What study tips do you have for good grades? only think about yourself, focus on your goals, no one else matters
  13. what is one good piece of advice you have received? “being second is being the first to loose"
  14. did you expect this award? why or why not? yes, i know, and everyone else knows I’m perfect, i would’ve been surprised if i didn’t win.
  15. do you think you could get student of the year? why or why not? Definitley. i am a perfectly capable stellar person with stellar grades, I’m in every club, how wouldn’t i get it?
  16. is this a big accomplishment for you? i have had bigger, but I’m proud of myself.
  17. how do you manage  your time? i just think about myself, because there is no room for anyone else
  18. what activities do you participate in? i am the captain of the swim team, soccer team, volleyball team, cheer team, dance team, basketball team, tennis team, I’m in all clubs, and all Ap classes.
  19. did you have to work extremely hard to get this award? why or why not? Not too hard. just normal amount of work, because i don’t think about anyone else, and I’m just naturally like this.
  20. are you proud of yourself? yes, because i am so perfect. how could you not be proud?

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