Friday, September 18, 2015



     Ansel Adams was born in the Western addition of San Francisco, California on February  20th, 1902. He died on April 22nd, 1984 in Monterey California. When he was young, an earthquake shook his house, he fell, and badly broke his nose. You can still tell if you look at pictures of him. He was diagnosed with dyslexia when he was Young, so school was very difficult. He was mostly homeschooled by his father and aunt. He earned a "legitimized diploma" from the Mrs. Kate M. Wilkins private school (said to be about an eighth grade education) he taught himself how to play piano when he was twelve and started taking lessons. This taught him discipline and "tamed" his dyslexia in a way. He fully intended on being a piano player when he got older until he discovered photography.
     In 1916, Ansel and his family went on a trip to Yosemite national park, and he fell in love with the scenery. as he got older, he kept going back to take pictures. Here are a few of his pictures that I really like.
Mount Williamson

Rose and Driftwood

     Here are also some quotes from Ansel.

  • "You don't take the photograph, you make it."
  • "Sometimes I do get places just when God is ready to have somebody press the shutter."
  • "There are always two people in every picture: The photographer, and the viewer."

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