Thursday, September 24, 2015


      My favorite photo is the photo titled "drop the bass" by Maria Martinez. It is a picture of  a girl probably in science or art class. she has a speaker on full blast, and puts paint on the speaker, and the pink paint is up in the air, partially covering the girls face. Here is the link to it (it is the picture on the left):

  1.      I picked this picture because I think it is really cool how the paint is doing that on the speaker. It also has very nice placement. I like how the girl is directly behind the paint, and how the part of her hand that is holding the paint bottle is on the side, and how bright and vivd the paint is and the focus on it.
  2.      This picture has balance between the girls face and hand and the actual paint on the speaker. But you can still tell what the main point of the picture is, and that is the paint. I think this picture also has framing in it. The speaker and the bottom of the picture frame the paint, which helps lead your eye to it.


  1.      Some of the classes I think I could go to would be orchestra, spanish, or maybe biology if they are doing a cool lab.
  2.      Some of my teachers I would like to go to are mr. Chisum, who is the orchestra director. I think I could get really cool pictures in there. Another teachers could go to is srta. Bonham, who teaches spanish. we always to cool activities in that class that i think would be good to capture. The other teacher i would want to got to would be ms. Kowalik, who teaches biology. because we might be doing a cool lab.
  3.      To make sure my photos are really good, I will definitely consider lighting, angle, the rules of photography, and obviously, something interesting.

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