Wednesday, September 30, 2015



  1. My initial reaction to his work was confused, then impressed. I was confused because I have never seen anything like that. I did find it very interesting. I wonder how he achieved that look and how and when he first thought of doing that with his photographs.
  2. I honestly have no idea how he creates these photos, but I think he goes into photoshop and gets the same picture, replicates it three times, each one lighter than the last and then lays the pictures all on top of each other at different angles. he also removes the background on some of them.
  3. Some building I think would be cool to do this to would be the frost tower in downtown Austin, any skyscraper really in downtown Austin, but that one would be the coolest. Also the Alamo in San Antonio, the Empire State building in new york, the statue of Liberty, also in new york. The buildings in downtown Austin would be fairly easy to access, the Alamo would be a little more difficult, because its about an hour and a half away. New your would be hard, but in march, i am going there with orchestra and we are going to visit the empire state building and the statue of liberty.

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