Wednesday, September 30, 2015


  1. -“a lot of subjects that fit the image and don’t compete with the main subjects”                -“Rembrandt was so obsessed with a certain kind of light,the light that forms triangle of light on the opposite side of the face under the eye, that now studio photographers call that kind of lighting Rembrandt lighting.”                                                                          -“Four things every photographer should know how to do: take a photo of a reflection, take a photo of a hand, take a photo of him/herself, and take a photo showing perspective"
  2. this one is a painting

3.      this one is a  real photograph

4.    I think that this photo does follow the rule of perspective and reflection mentioned in the website.               
       it also is in black and white, like the painting. most of the reflection photos i saw were in black 
       and white.
5.    I think that this reflection style will influence me because i have never seen pictures like this and
       I really like them. 

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