Thursday, October 8, 2015


1.  One of the rules in i used in this photo was lines because the blinds and the garland and the top of        the table lead your eye to the girls head.
2.  The subject in this photo is the girl who is writing on a whet board.
3.  I think it is clear to the viewer that she is my subject.

1.  The rules i used in this photo were simplicity and rule of thirds. this is simplicity because the background is very simple. and this is rule of thirds because the girl is in the the right bottom and to third intersection.
2.  the subject in this photo is the girl at her computer.
3.  i think it is clear what the subject of my picture is.

1.  i used rule of thirds in this picture. the girl and boy studying are in the bottom right.
2.  the subject in my photo is the girl and boy studying at the table.
3.  i thick my subject is pretty clear.

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