Thursday, October 8, 2015


 1. Some challenges i faced during this shoot were finding good angles, making something look interesting, and taking a picture without getting random people in the background.
2.  i thought about angle, focus and getting the pictures as simple as i could. the way i controlled this was by taking the same picture multiple times, but at different angles.3.  if i could do the assignment again, i would focus to more of the rules than just a few because i found that most of my photos were rule of thirds.4.  i would keep some of the angles i took my pictures at, because i thought they were good5.  just like in question 3, i used rule of thirds the most, so i think that would be the easiest rule to achieve.6.  i think avoiding mergers would be the hardest rule to follow because there is usually a lot going on when you are trying to shot, especially and academic shoot.

7.  I’m still not totally clear on the rule of balance. i could look at pictures with balance, or read more about it.

here is a cool blog to take a peek at:
 i like the academic pictures on their blog very much, they are all capturing very nice moments, but they could’ve cropped the pictures to make them more simple.

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