Friday, October 16, 2015


  1. I think a really cool theme that we could do for a mural collage project would be all the flowers and natural stuff at bowie.
  2. I think it would be really cool to take all the pictures on our phones because it would be different and that would make it look more like an instagram wall.
  3. We could put the mural up in the cafeteria or in the library, just somewhere everyone can see it.


mount williamson

rose and driftwood
  1. My favorite thing about Ansel Adams’ pictures were the way he captures the landscapes in a way that it makes you feel like you are there and that you can see the colors, even though its in black and white.
  2. In the first photo, mount williamson, I could see the beautiful blue-grey mountain and the clouds with the sunshine shining through, and the abundance of rocks in front of the camera. I smell the fresh mountain air and the smell of the earthy ground. I taste the crisp fresh air on my tounge. I hear silence as I take in the wonderful view. I feel the breeze against my cheeks, chilling them as I stare.
  3. In the second photo, I see the elegant rose resting on the piece of driftwood floating along. I smell the water as it flows away from me. I taste the fresh water as it flows within me. I hear the water moving within itself and down the stream. I  feel the cool water on my hands as I run my fingers through it.

  1. To show people Ansel Adams amazing work, I would make a mural collage of all his photos and put it up in austin somewhere were everyone could see it.

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