Tuesday, October 13, 2015


this picture was taken with a slower shutter speed

this picture was taken with a faster shutter speed

  1. a) i would use a higher shutter speed because the lighting is decent and if it was one of game  booths, there might have been more movement. b) i would use a higher shutter speed, but not as high as one of the other booths because there is some movement at the food booths, but not much. C) i would use a high shutter speed for the stars performance because the stars were probably moving around the performance area a lot. D) i would use a very high shutter speed to photograph the students dancing because they would be moving around a lot. E) i would use a high shutter speed to photograph the people walking in because they would be moving. F)i would use a super high shutter speed for the students playing basketball so i could get the moving basketball in focus  PART TWO: A)  i would use a pretty slow shutter sped because it is dark and the tree probably adds additional shade. B) i would use a slower shutter speed because it is dark and there is not a lot of movement anyways C) i would use a fast shutter speed in the cafeteria where the stars were preforming because they would be moving around a lot and it was not dark in there because it was inside D)i would use a fast shutter speed to photograph the students dancing because even thurgh it was dark, there would be a lot of movement. E) i would use a slightly fast shutter speed for the people walking in because it would be dark but there would be some movement. F) i would still use a fast shutter speed for the basketball booth because i would want to see the moving basket ball in focus. 
  2. aperture priority mode, which is when the photographer sets the aperture, and the camera selects an automatic shutter speed. shutter speed priority mode, which is when the photographer sets the shutter speed, and the camera automatically sets the aperture. and then there is manual mode, where the camera sets the shutter speed and aperture for you.

1.  Higher ISO would be better at a sport event because it would capture the motion better.
2.  the author said to try to use the lowest ISO when taking pictures
3. the author recommended using higher ISO when taking action shots because they will be in better focus.

  • 2.8-22 (aperture)
  • 1- 1/1,000 (shutter speed)
  • 100- 25600 (iso)

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