Tuesday, April 12, 2016


  1. CONFLICT                                                                                                                                                the news value in this article is conflict. This is because it is about how people feel now about carrying guns on campus after the killing of Haruka at UT. The article dis about the conflict between the pro-gun group and the people who thinks guns should not be on campus.                        “SLAYING PROVES POINT, GUN GROUP ARGUES”                                                             Austin American Statesman article                                                                                             "Diving into a politically sensitive topic, a group supporting gun rights said Monday that the recent death of a University of Texas freshman showed the folly of limiting the reach of the guns-on-campus law that will go into effect in August.
  2. PROMINENCE                                                                                                                                                 This article is about General Ken Paxton was accused of fraud for investing in a business, and not being honest with the other investors. This is the news value prominence because he is an important government official, so it makes this a bigger deal that if it was just a normal person. “PAXTON ACCUSED OF FRAUD BY SEC”                                                                                    Austin American Statesman Article                                                                                                 "Dramatically increasing the legal jeopardy faced by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, federal regulators on Monday accused the high-profile Republican of defrauding investors in a McKinney tech company while he was a member of the Texas House.”                           
  3. TIMELINESS                                                                                                                                 This article ruses the news value timeliness, because it is about a study that came out recently. That study showed that the prices of homes in travis county have risen 9%.                                 “TRAVIS COUNTY HOME VALUES RISE 9%”                                                                         Austin American Statesman article                                                                                                " Home values in Travis County rose by an average of 9 percent for 2016, as the region’s job and population growth continues to drive strong demand for housing, the Travis Central Appraisal District said Monday.”
  4. PROXIMITY                                                                                                                                                     This article uses the news value of proximity, because it is about the almost worldwide virus Zika in travis county. This is proximity, because it is only talking about Austin, and where we live, although it is in other places.                                                                                                       “ CDC SAYS ZIKA ’SCARIER’ THAN FIRST REALIZED”                                                               Austin American Statesman Article                                                                                                  "WASHINGTON—Publichealth officials said Monday they’ve learned a lot more about Zika since the White House asked Congress for $1.9 billion to combat the mosquito-borne virus and are increasingly concerned about its potential impact on the United States.
  5. IMPACT                                                                                                                                                        This article uses the news value impact, because it is about how the rates for child immunization are almost the lowest in the country here in Texas. And this could have a direct impact on the people and children of austin, because that means that there will be more diseases floating around.                                                                                                                 “REVERSE DECLINE IN VACCINATION RATES”                                                                   Austin American Statesman article                                                                                                "The profound benefits of childhood immunizations are well-established. Immunizations contribute to healthier children, schools and communities. They also are hugely cost-effective and safe.”          
  6. HUMAN INTEREST                                                                                                                                This article is abut how the UT students were effected by the murder of Haruka earlier this week. They were all obviously saddened by this, and that is why it is the news value human interest.                                                                                                                                                  “UT STUDENTS RETRACE SLAIN WOMAN’S LAST WALK”                                      Austin American Statesman Article                                                                                                “ In silence, about 200 University of Texas students, faculty members and staffers Monday retraced the path Haruka Weiser took in the moments before she was killed last week.”                                  
  7. NOVELTY                                                                                                                                             This article used the news value novelty because it is about new technology, which always excites people. This would draw them in to learn about it.                                                             “NEED SOMETHING? TEXT YOUR ‘CHATBOT’ FOR HELP”                                               Austin American Statesman article                                                                                                  SANFRANCISCO—Therobots are coming — to help run your life or sell you stuff — at an online texting service near you."

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