Friday, April 8, 2016



     Earlier this month, Patricia Vines was announced Bowie High School’s April student of the month, for having exceptional grades, and fully participating in school.
     She was announced student of the month last week, she is working hard, and is excited to make the school a better place in this upcoming month.
     “I will make this school a better and happier place for all of the students” Freshman Patricia Vines said.
     The school made this decision quicker than usual, and without any hesitation, they were ready to crown Patricia as student of the month.
     “Patricia was obviously the right choice, she is just such a great student and could really be a good example for the other students,” Principal Lynch said.
     Patricia’s family was very proud of her, and knew she had what it takes to be student of the month.
     “Patricia is just so great, it really was no surprise to us,” Patricia’s mother, Maddi Vines, said.
     Patricia was also not surprised to hear this news, she was pretty sure her hard work was going to pay off this month.
     “I am a stellar, person, I have worked hard, I have all 100’s, and I am fabulous and perfect, so it was no surprise to me,” Vines said.
     She has never gotten a grade lower that a 100 in her geometry class, stunning her teacher and fellow students.
     “She is incredible. I’ve never seen a student have grades as good as this, and the fact that she’s a freshman is just incredible,” geometry teacher, Kay Lynch said.
     One of the reasons that she won this award was because of her huge involvement in school and in clubs.
     “I am the captain of the swim team, soccer team, volleyball team,  cheer team, dance team, basketball team, tennis team, I’m in all clubs, and all ap classes.” Vines said.
     The next student of the month will be announced in May.

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